Group Activities

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Way down deep at the bottom of the sea!

Today we have been learning to use 1 metre rulers.  We measured ourselves, like our arm span and leg length.  We found it quite tricky because the rulers were big so we had to work together.  We learned that we can write 157cm like 1.57m or 567cm is the same as 5.67m

This afternoon we thought about deep sea creatures and why they were the way they are.  Like why are their eyes so big and why do some have lights on their head.  We realised that they used these things to help them survive down there!  Then we designed our own fish and explained what features they had and why they had them.

1 comment:

  1. Great fish Max. It is amazing (Max told me to write that!). I like the super sharp teeth and light to trick other fish.


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