Group Activities

Friday 15 February 2013

Diving in the deep end!

This Friday was a fun day.  We spent some time with Mr Miller in the morning and then we were fortunate enough to have Mr Cain visit us to take our weekly spelling test!  After morning tea we had sport with Mr Paine and then dance with Mrs MacCrae.  She taught us all about circle dances.
This afternoon we all went to the Parnell Baths.  We got to put on life jackets and jump in the big pool.  It was a bit scary at first but it was great fun.  We learnt that if we are ever caught in the ocean, then we should link arms with other people and float on our back so that rescue helicopters can find us.  Hopefully this is one lesson we never have to use!  After that we were allowed to jump off the diving board.  Take a look at our awesome action pictures!

1 comment:

  1. Great photos of the kids at the pool :)


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