Group Activities

Thursday 14 June 2012

Finished Video

Here is our finished video for Bardwell school in England.  We will send them a video but we decided to post it on the blog as well because we are so proud of it.  It isn't perfect, there a few mistakes, but we think it's not bad for our first movie!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mr. Miller,
    every day we read your blog and we enjoy it.
    Every picture we see our grandson Fabian, we put in our 'Fabian/school'-file. But starting with the gym-pictures are only 14KB each, and too small to make nice larger ones.
    Please, Mr. Miller, can you save them as you did before holidays ?
    Fabian's grandparents in Holland,
    Nic and Gré Temme


We love getting comments from parents about our blog. Please leave us a nice message/ comment or suggestion and we shall be sure to read it together in class!