Group Activities

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Sing loud, sing proud!

Today we practiced and performed some songs for the school. Ukulele was still hard but we enjoyed it and we eventually started to get it together! When we performed for the school it was so fun and we felt really awesome and fantastic. We were excited before the performance and nervous as well because this was our 1st performance in year 3. Sadly we didn't get to play the ukulele in front of the school and we wish that next time we will be able to. However, some of us are really keen to learn it more in the future.


  1. Today I had a good good day because this was my first performance in New Zealand! - sophia

  2. You are my sunshine and In the Jungle.
    Sophia sung this two songs whole day after school it's very sweet! - Agatha

  3. Well done Room 11 - it was great to come along and hear you all singing with good strong voices!! Keep it up...when you are meant to!


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